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Bibliotheca Librorum Apud Artificem

Library for the artist's book, Sydney Australia

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Title (click for details) Artist/s Publisher Year Image
1381 Painter: David Buchen
- 2006
Burn Off Screen printmaker: Jenny Kitchener
- 2008
Burn Off
Collection dans la Marge no.4 Jochen Gerner Images/graphics: Jochen Gerner
Arts Factory Éditions 2008
Collection dans la Marge no.4 Jochen Gerner
Pro Eto (That's What) Poet: Vladimir Mayakovsky
Photomonteur: Alexander Rodchenko
Arc Publications 2009
Pro Eto (That's What)
Scrap Book (Breath: Breathe) Artist creator: Jenny Kitchener
- 2011
Scrap Book (Breath: Breathe)
JAB 31 Journal of Artists' Books Editor/publisher: Brad Freeman
Contributor: Thomas Hvid Kromann
Contributor: Anthony Leslie
Contributor: Sarah Bodman
Contributor: Alastair Brotchie
Profiled artist: Daniel Spoerri
Contributor: Claire Sammons
Contributor: Alexander Rodchenko
Columbia College Chicago Center for Book & Paper Arts 2012
JAB 31 Journal of Artists' Books
Why is a Tiger a Tiger? A Bestiary of Etymology Artist writer: David Buchen
- 2012
Why is a Tiger a Tiger? A Bestiary of Etymology
JAB 33 Journal of Artists' Books Editor/publisher: Brad Freeman
Contributor: Levi Sherman
Contributor: Tate Shaw
Contributor: M. Scott Craig
Contributor: Kyle Schlesinger
Contributor: Gretchen E. Henderson
Contributor: Alexander Mouton
Contributor: Isobel Anderson
Profiled artist: Alberto Casiraghy
Contributor: Natalia Silberleib
Contributor: Karol Shewmaker
Contributor: Brandon Graham
Columbia College Chicago Center for Book & Paper Arts 2013
JAB 33 Journal of Artists' Books

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