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Bibliotheca Librorum Apud Artificem

Library for the artist's book, Sydney Australia


lithographs by: Warja Lavater
Categories: Bookwork / Image-graphic Books, Planographic Print Books, Printmakers' Books, Scrolls & Concertina Books

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Reference no.:NL/Lav.W/65-82.00 Place/Shelf:4sthER

Book title: Imageries
Published by: Adrien Maeght
Year made: 1982
Place made: France
Original: Yes
Dimensions: 175 x 180
Binder: commercial binding
Physical description: 6 books in lucite slipcaes in box
Medium: graphics and symbols
Collaborations: Ateliers Arte, Paris
Further information:
This collection of six books depicts the six fairy tales; Tom Thumb, Snow White, Little Red Riding Hood, Le Fable du Hasard (the fable of chance), Sleeping Beauty and Cinderella. All the stories are told through colour plane graphics and symbols. The books were completed between 1965 and 1982.

lithographs by: Warja Lavater

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IMAGES: Imageries

Imageries - 1

Imageries - 2