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Bibliotheca Librorum Apud Artificem

Library for the artist's book, Sydney Australia

The Idea

Categories: Bookwork / Offset Books, Printmakers' Books, Relief Print Books

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Reference no.:H/F/Mas.F/86.00 Place/Shelf:3BL

Book title: The Idea
Published by: Redstone Press
Year made: 1986
Place made: UK
Original: No (facsimile)
Dimensions: 115 x 160
Binder: commercial binding
Physical description: case binding, hard cover with dust jacket
Medium: illustrations
Further information:
In 1911 Masereel settled in Paris for four years and then emigrated to Switzerland, where he worked as a graphic artist for journals and magazines. His woodcut series, mainly of sociocritical content and of expressionistic form concept, made Masereel internationally known. Among these were the wordless novels 25 Images of a Man's Passion (1918), Passionate Journey (1919), The Sun (1919), The Idea (1920) and Story Without Words (1920). (from wikipedia)

This publication reproduces two of Masereel's works, 'The Idea' and 'Story without Words'.

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IMAGES: The Idea

The Idea - 1

The Idea - 2

The Idea - 3