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Bibliotheca Librorum Apud Artificem

Library for the artist's book, Sydney Australia

Black and White and Red All Over

Categories: Reference / Catalogue

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Reference no.:R/C/Fra.Fur/82.00 Place/Shelf:2E1

Book title: Black and White and Red All Over
Published by: Franklin Furnance
Year made: 1982
Place made: USA
Original: Yes
Dimensions: 217 x 278
Binder: stationery binding
Physical description: stapled pamphlet
Further information:
Catalogue of contemporary Eastern European artists' books in the 1980s.
Curated by Daina Augaitis
Introductory statement and historical background also by Daina Augaitis
"In Eastern Europe, the sequence of events has closely followed the development in the West; however, the artists' book continues to have a deeper significance in a world where artistic expression often collides with political forces. An artist wishing to explore 'unofficial' art ideas must do so surreptitiously and may have more freedom in preforming actions that will not be understood by authorities, yet will communicate to an art audience. The book is more than documentation or manifesto or art object; in many cases, the making of it becomes an artistic action in itself." (from the introductory statement)

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IMAGES: Black and White and Red All Over

Black and White and Red All Over - 1