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Bibliotheca Librorum Apud Artificem

Library for the artist's book, Sydney Australia

Eureka 1854-1954

Categories: Bookwork / Anthologies, Catalogue Works, Printmakers' Books, Relief Print Books

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Reference no.:H/L/Pop.Art.Gr/54.00 Place/Shelf:1EL

Book title: Eureka 1854-1954
Published by: Popular Print Art Group
Year made: 1954
Place made: Australia
Original: Yes
Dimensions: 230 x 295
Physical description: prints in folded paper cover
Medium: linocuts
Further information:
The Popular Print Art Group was a Melbourne based left-wing collective sympathetic to the unionists sentiments of the Ballarat miners. This work commemorates the 100th anniversary of the Eureka Stockade.
The members of the group were Ray Wenban, Noel Counihan, Pat O'Connor, Peter Miller, Alisa O'Connor, Len Gale, Ernie McFarlane, Maurice Carter, Naomi Shipp and Mary Zuvelia.

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IMAGES: Eureka 1854-1954

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