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Bibliotheca Librorum Apud Artificem

Library for the artist's book, Sydney Australia

Volatile Actions

Artist creator: Tim Mosely
Categories: Bookwork / Printmakers' Books, Relief Print Books, Serigraph Print Books, Small Press Books

Reference no.:L/Mos.T/07.02 Place/Shelf:1BL

Book title: Volatile Actions
Published by: Silverwattle Press
Year made: 2007
Place made: Australia
Original: Yes
(No. in Edition)
Dimensions: 175 x 450
Binder: bound by T. Mosely
Physical description: stitched single section
Medium: paper pulp text, graphics
Further information:
Tim Mosely is a printmaker and papermaker. He has combined the techniques of both disciplines to create his highly distinctive books. He greatest contribution to papermaking is his development of, what he calls, paper pulp printing. Using screens processed in the same way as if for screenprinting he is able to achieve detailed images and text, which are then 'printed' onto the freshly pulled sheets of paper. Making paper from old rag, he sorts the rags to get the coloured paper he wants. Red rags make red paper, black make black paper. His work has moved towards the very physical properties of the book. 'Volatile Actions' is one of his first books that explore these qualities. In 'Volatile Actions' in order to fully read the book the reader must go through the agonising process of letting the pages rip to open them fully. Needless to say, I have not done this to my copy of the book. (Monica Oppen)

Artist creator: Tim Mosely

All images are subject to copyright.

IMAGES: Volatile Actions

Volatile Actions - 1

Volatile Actions - 2

Volatile Actions - 3