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Bibliotheca Librorum Apud Artificem

Library for the artist's book, Sydney Australia

Chris Mann & Grammar

Writer: Chris Mann
Categories: Bookwork / Multiples, Offset Books, Poetry/Proses/Text Works, Verbo-visual Books

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Reference no.:NL/Man.C/90.00 Place/Shelf:3GL

Book title: Chris Mann & Grammar
Published by: Lingua Press
Year made: 1990
Place made: Australia
Original: Yes
Dimensions: 140 x 203
Binder: commercial binding
Physical description: soft cover,' perfect' binding
Medium: text
Further information:
"It doesn’t take much research to find a group of international avant-gardists and thinkers who are interested in and have written about Chris Mann’s work: John Cage, Henri Chopin, Herbert Brun, among others. But if you limit your research to Australian writers, there is close to nothing. It seems strange to me that no Australian writer has looked closely at this Australian artist of international acclaim – especially an artist whose work and thoughts deal so intimately with the subject of Australia." (from http://cordite.org.au/essays/unaustralian-english/)

Writer: Chris Mann

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IMAGES: Chris Mann & Grammar

Chris Mann & Grammar - 1