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Bibliotheca Librorum Apud Artificem

Library for the artist's book, Sydney Australia

At The Beach

Relief printmaker: Babette Katz
Categories: Bookwork / Illustrated Books, Image-graphic Books, Printmakers' Books, Relief Print Books

Reference no.:NL/Kat.B/88.00 Place/Shelf:4nthBR

Book title: At The Beach
Published by: Visual Studies Workshop Press
Year made: 1988
Place made: USA
Original: Yes
(No. in Edition)
Dimensions: 180 x 230
Binder: commercial binding
Physical description: stapled pamphlet
Medium: illustrations
Further information:
A day at the beach is told through image, bold linocuts that capture open space and compression of people.
"For me, making art has to do with the heart, the hands and the materials. Black and white linoleum cut, with its limited palette, gives me the opportunity to work for conciseness, economy and expressive force." Babette Katz (from http://www.biddingtons.com/content/creativekatz.html)

Relief printmaker: Babette Katz

All images are subject to copyright.

IMAGES: At The Beach

At The Beach - 1

At The Beach - 2

At The Beach - 3