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Library for the artist's book, Sydney Australia

Portrait of Rosa

Photographer: Hans Breber
Writer: Hans Breber
Categories: Bookwork / Multiples, Offset Books, Photobooks

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Reference no.:NL/Bre.H/83.00 Place/Shelf:4nthBR

Book title: Portrait of Rosa
Published by: Chicago Books
Year made: 1983
Place made: USA
Original: Yes
Dimensions: 210 x 175
Binder: stationery binding
Physical description: spiral binding
Medium: photography, text
Further information:
"This book derives from interviews with two urban squatter families in Oaxaca, Mexico in 1981 and also from interpretations of those interviews excerpted from the video 'Pictura Minuta: Portraits of the Urban Poor' by Hans Breder. We visited and interviewed the family of Maria Elena de Sosa—Rosa, Alma, and Victor de Sosa—and also with the family of Juan and Lucia Rodriquez. We thank each of these people for their warmth and openness and acknowledge that this publication reflects only a shadow of their spirit and character." Hans Breder and Barbara Welch.

Photographer: Hans Breber
Writer: Hans Breber

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All images are subject to copyright.

IMAGES: Portrait of Rosa

Portrait of Rosa - 1

Portrait of Rosa - 2

Portrait of Rosa - 3

Portrait of Rosa - 4