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Bibliotheca Librorum Apud Artificem

Library for the artist's book, Sydney Australia

The Vanishing Cabinet

Photographer: Andrew Lanyon
Writer: Andrew Lanyon
Categories: Bookwork / Image-graphic Books, Multiples, Offset Books

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Reference no.:NL/Lan.A/80.00 Place/Shelf:4nthBR

Book title: The Vanishing Cabinet
Published by: Travelling Light Photography
Year made: 1980
Place made: UK
Original: Yes
Dimensions: 200 x 200
Binder: commercial binding
Physical description: soft cover 'perfect' binding
Medium: photographic illustrations, text
Further information:
"With the proliferation of snapshot cameras at the turn of the [19th] century, the aura of the photographer steadily faded. In the early days, however when equipment had been cumbersome and processing laborious, the powers of the photographic artist had seemed to the sitter as marvellous as any magician's." (from the introduction)
This introduction is key to the work, as the following series of images then illustrates it.

Photographer: Andrew Lanyon
Writer: Andrew Lanyon

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All images are subject to copyright.

IMAGES: The Vanishing Cabinet

The Vanishing Cabinet - 1

The Vanishing Cabinet - 2

The Vanishing Cabinet - 3