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Bibliotheca Librorum Apud Artificem

Library for the artist's book, Sydney Australia

American Bookworks in Print

Categories: Reference / Catalogue

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Reference no.:R/C/USA/84.00 Place/Shelf:R1

Book title: American Bookworks in Print
Year made: 1984
Place made: USA
Original: Yes
Dimensions: 143 x 229
Binder: commercial binding
Physical description: stapled booklet
Further information:
This book was curated by Anne-Catherine Fallen and Kevin Osborn and was a cultural exhibit sponsored by the United States Information Agency.
Note of difference between this book and '500 Handmade Books' is in this catalogue is that the images show the contents of the books rather than bindings.

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IMAGES: American Bookworks in Print

American Bookworks in Print - 1