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Bibliotheca Librorum Apud Artificem

Library for the artist's book, Sydney Australia

Art-Rite; Artists' Books

Categories: Reference / Essays, Journal

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Reference no.:R/M/USA/76.00 Place/Shelf:R3

Book title: Art-Rite; Artists' Books
Published by: Art-Rite Publishing
Year made: 1977
Place made: USA
Original: Yes
Dimensions: 190 x 263
Binder: commercial binding
Physical description: stapled booklet
Further information:
Issue #14 Winter 1976-77
This issue includes responses to the request: "If you feel inspired to write something informal, but brief and concentrated, about your views on any of the issues related to artists' books, please do so. Why are you attracted to artists' books? What are the best potentials and also the basic difficulties conserning this form of art (either innate to te medium itself or to its superstructure/or lack of it)?"
It also includes a thematic anthology, reviews and features.

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IMAGES: Art-Rite; Artists' Books

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