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Bibliotheca Librorum Apud Artificem

Library for the artist's book, Sydney Australia

The Artist and The Book 1860-1960

Categories: Reference / Catalogue, Essays

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Reference no.:R/C/USA/61.00 Place/Shelf:R2

Book title: The Artist and The Book 1860-1960
Published by: Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Year made: 1961
Place made: USA
Original: Yes
Dimensions: 220 x 288
Binder: commercial binding
Physical description: case binding hard cover with dust jacket
Further information:
The full title of this book is 'The Artist and the Book 1860–1960 in Western Europe and the United States'.
"This exhibition is to show, primarily, what major artists of Western Europe and the United States have contributed in book form during the last hundred and, especially, the last sixty 'explosive' years." (from the introduction)

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IMAGES: The Artist and The Book 1860-1960

The Artist and The Book 1860-1960 - 1