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Bibliotheca Librorum Apud Artificem

Library for the artist's book, Sydney Australia

Artists' Books

Categories: Reference / Catalogue, Essays

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Reference no.:R/C/UK/76.00 Place/Shelf:R1

Book title: Artists' Books
Published by: Arts Council of Great Britain
Year made: 1976
Place made: England
Original: Yes
Dimensions: 110 x 183
Binder: commercial binding
Physical description: 'perfect' binding soft cover
Further information:
An exhibition of "artists' books, booklets, pamphlets, catalogues, periodicals, anthologies and magazines almost all published since 1970, selected for a travelling exhibition organised by the Arts Council of Great Britain."
Essay by Clive Phillpot, 'Book art digressions'.
Essay by Brandon Taylor, 'Textual Art'.

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IMAGES: Artists' Books

Artists' Books - 1