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Bibliotheca Librorum Apud Artificem

Library for the artist's book, Sydney Australia

Artists' Books 1983

Categories: Reference / Catalogue

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Reference no.:R/C/Jap/83.00 Place/Shelf:2EL

Book title: Artists' Books 1983
Published by: Gallery Lunami, Tokyo, Japan
Year made: 1983
Place made: Japan
Original: Yes
Dimensions: 210 x 297
Binder: commercial binding
Physical description: soft cover 'perfect' binding
Collaborations: Art Metropole, Toronto, Canada
Further information:
This is bilingual catalogue of an exhibition of international artists' work which travelled in Japan in 1983.
Essay by Tim Guest,"Pictures and Illustrations".
Essay by Yusuke Nakahara, What is an artists' book?
Introduction by Emiko Namikawa.

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IMAGES: Artists' Books 1983

Artists' Books 1983 - 1