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Bibliotheca Librorum Apud Artificem

Library for the artist's book, Sydney Australia

Artists' Books Artists' Secrets

Curator: Margaret Hunt
Categories: Reference / Catalogue

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Reference no.:R/C/AUS/90.00 Place/Shelf:R1

Book title: Artists' Books Artists' Secrets
Year made: 1990
Place made: Australia
Original: Yes
Dimensions: 150 x 220
Binder: bound by M Hunt
Physical description: folded sheets in a slipcase
Collaborations: The Goethe Insitut
Further information:
Participating artists were Margaret Hunt, Lawrence Finn, Patrick Jones, Dianne Longley, Allan Mann, Monica Oppen, Richard Tipping, Anna Tow, Patricia Wilson, Petr Herel.
Curator: Margaret Hunt

Curator: Margaret Hunt

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IMAGES: Artists' Books Artists' Secrets

Artists' Books Artists' Secrets - 1