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Bibliotheca Librorum Apud Artificem

Library for the artist's book, Sydney Australia


Images/graphics: Guilio Paolini
Categories: Bookwork / Catalogue Works, Image-graphic Books, Unbound Works

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Reference no.:NL/C/Pao.G/79.00 Place/Shelf:3GL

Book title: Statement
Published by: Edition Annemarie Verna, Zürich
Year made: 1979
Place made: Switzerland
Original: Yes
Dimensions: 300 x 300
Binder: no bound
Physical description: folded sheets, with paper wrapper
Medium: graphics
Further information:
"All my work unfolds around an image, the image of our system of focusing (diaphragm) between picture space and object space: like an ideal mirror which reflects and reveals the same appearance with which it is constituted. The nature of this art aims towards a kind of paradoxical objectivity, because it introduces in the present, in the moment in which perception is actual, a temporary incompatibility: that is to say, imposing a type of circular reading (rather that direct) which subtracts from the manifest image the value of evidence." Guilio Paolini

Images/graphics: Guilio Paolini

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All images are subject to copyright.

IMAGES: Statement

Statement - 1