Home - Bibliotheca Librorum Apud Artificem

Bibliotheca Librorum Apud Artificem

Library for the artist's book, Sydney Australia

Not Altogether True; Not Altogether False

Images/graphics: Nancy J. Garruba
Designer, concept: Nancy J. Garruba
Categories: Bookwork / Image-graphic Books, Offset Books, Poetry/Proses/Text Works

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Reference no.:NL/Gar.N/83.00 Place/Shelf:1DL (small books)

Book title: Not Altogether True; Not Altogether False
Year made: 1983
Place made: USA
Original: Yes
Dimensions: 150 x 85
Binder: stationery binding
Physical description: pad style binding
Medium: text, graphics
Further information:
"Lavender flap fold cover with pink and red metallic offset printed title. Designed as though it is the artist's checkbook for the First Women's National Bank. The recto of each check has a "handwritten" editorial note from the creator that provides autobiographical commentary on the nature of choosing an arts-oriented career path. Each commentary is stamped either with the words "True", "Not Altogether False", "False", "Impossible" or "In Progress". (from Center for Book Arts N.Y.C website)

Images/graphics: Nancy J. Garruba
Designer, concept: Nancy J. Garruba

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All images are subject to copyright.

IMAGES: Not Altogether True; Not Altogether False

Not Altogether True; Not Altogether False - 1

Not Altogether True; Not Altogether False - 2