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Bibliotheca Librorum Apud Artificem

Library for the artist's book, Sydney Australia

Events Fluxbox 1964

Designer, concept: Robert Watts
Categories: Bookwork / Experimental Works

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Reference no.:NL/F/Wat.R/84.00 Place/Shelf:4sthER

Book title: Events Fluxbox 1964
Year made: 1984
Original: No (facsimile)
Dimensions: 180 x 130
Physical description: perspex box
Medium: perspex box, sticker label, text cards
Further information:
This work is the 1984 edition. 'There is something impersonal or phlegmatic in Watts's composition, a deliberately flattened sense of timing. This aspect of his work has not aged as gracefully as have his concerns with commodity and its absurdities. A puckish wit remains where media and message are crisply meshed, as in Portrait Dress, 1965, a see-through vinyl frock with pockets for photographs, or the suite of neon signs in which the signatures of masters like Ingres, Duchamp, and Lichtenstein glow like ads. Other items in this show appeared dated, such as the Lucite sculptures with embedded photographs of food, or the painted plaster casts of bread lined up in a grayscale row, but this was largely because their semiotic jokesterism has been so wholly assimilated by successors that it cannot startle now as it did then.' Frances Richard, 2001 from Wikipedia

Designer, concept: Robert Watts

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IMAGES: Events Fluxbox 1964

Events Fluxbox 1964 - 1

Events Fluxbox 1964 - 2